Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am getting more and more into RDJ movies since I last wrote so here are some recommendations. Turns out I cannot really not recommend RDJ movies nowadays. :D I must have a pretty bad case of starstruck.

So this week I watched 'Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang', which is a hilarious comedy thriller. I just loved it. Val Kilmer plays a gay detective who is helping Robert Downey's unfortunate thief character getting out of trouble and solving numerous connected murders in the end. It is complete with punchlines like "Look, buddy. This isn't 'good cop, bad cop'. This is the fag and the New Yorker!" and cut off fingers, guns, girls etc. And all is well if it ends well. :) Quality entertainment if you want a good laugh.

The highpoint of my last week was 'Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus'. It is highly fictional but based on the biography of breakthrough photographer of '50s New York, Diane Arbus. The movie was also made by one of my most beloved directors, Steven Shainberg who worked on a favourite piece of mine: 'Secretary'. They were trying to capture an 'Alice in Wonderland' kind of atmosphere and they did an amazing job with that. I was glued to the screen from the beginning. Sadly it is a genuine independent movie, meaning it had absolutely no marketing at all and so when RDJ asked the audience at The Jonathan Ross Show in London (!) if they ever heard of the movie, absolutely noone put their hands up. I found it very sad when in reaction to that he said: "Thank God I did 'Iron Man'..." I enjoy blockbusters like 'Iron Man' but honestly there is no use in even comparing these two movies because Fur has so much more to say and is an amazing piece of visual art. By the way Arbus is played by Nicole Kidman, my favourite actress, she gives her best but that is no surprise. For 90% of the movie, Downey's acting is reduced to his eyes, voice and gestures by the mask he is wearing but he is still so captivating and such a powerful presence that one does not even realize he is not able to use his face. You know you love trailers. ;)

I also went to a houseparty on Friday with my ex-classmates. When the party started to get boring we decided to put in a movie called 'A Scanner Darkly'. It is based on a Philip K. Dick novel and it counts as a huge cult movie in my circle of friends. I did not have the fortune to see it before so I was very happy, especially knowing RDJ plays in it. :D I know what you all think but it WAS a coincidence. The movie is coated in a very innovative comic effect so everything looks like it was drawn but before they did that all the scenes were recorded in the traditional way. We watched it twice (!) because right when we finished it the first time some people arrived in the middle of the night who wanted to see it also and I had no problem with that. :D But I guess you either love or hate this movie and I do not guarantee it is the former. The rest of the cast include Keanu Reeves, Woody Harrelson and Winona Ryder.

Here is one of my favourite scenes, it captures the atmosphere just right. :P

Last but not least I present you the trailer of an upcoming movie I am very excited about. It is a drama based on a true story, I think it will leave a huge impact on everyone who sees it and the trailer suggests the most oustanding performances of the year. I hope Robert will at least get nominated for an Oscar, he really deserves it now. Once he was nominated for his work in Chaplin but the Academy is not too keen on giving out Oscars to twentysomethings. Their loss.

If you have the time, I recommend you to check out the trailer in high quality on the movie's official site: The Soloist.

1 comment:

Makói Krisztián said...

oh, well. i've got some homework to see. :) thanks, great job again.

it looks like nowadays, that whatever it is with RDJ it's gonna be a top hit. no doubt.