a nők is szeretik az olyan férfit aki lépten-nyomon bántja őket
és megalázza
beléülteti, hogy a férfi az első, a nő a második, a műsor végül
az agyába épül
és elhiszi, hogy az egyetlen út ha kiszolgálja az összes nyuvadt senkit,
aki az útjába kerül
és a gondjai elől hiába menekül a piába vagy bármi másba,
ami szédít
a dolgain ez már túl sokat úgysem szépít
mégis kell neki valami, ami szépen lassan
mindent, de mindent, de mindent
na ezen lehet gondolkozni.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Do you have a biro? I mean PEN.
Oh my god. That was probably the worst joke I've ever come up with. I feel like poop, you guys. I think I caught a cold yesterday because I was so lazy I couldn't get myself to stand up and put on pants. Pathetic. Anyways PEN started out kinda bad and I still think it was a watered up version of last year. The place was bigger, which is supposed to be a good thing but it was like you put too much water into your lemonade. Or just like festival beer, come to think of it. But the last day was pretty damn good, thanks to the ever wonderful Dj Enikő, who filled the biggest tent with her simple ability to put on good music. In the end she had to be dragged off the stage at 4am sharp, because the lame organizers never learn their lesson. You can't finish last night at 4am. LAME. I admit I haven't been to too many concerts. I think I saw Žagar, Uno Y Medio and Quimby to be quite precise, bwhahaha. I had been to better concerts of either band but it was alright since I didn't pay for the ticket. It turned out that some of the sponsored tickets used at the festival were leftovers from last year and since I'm a fanatic and I collect and keep all of my past festival tickets I just slipped on last year's and recycled it. I am made of win as kids say these days.
So last week I've been to PEN but when I wasn't there I was watching my birthday present at home. My birthday is on the 17th of May but I found the perfect presents for myself last week on Vatera, an auction site and I just had to buy them sooner and what bargains they were. I bought two seasons (3rd, 4th) of Six Feet Under for 8000 Forints. The box of the 3rd season is in pretty bad shape even though it's supposed to be in an unopened condition but I can't complain since it was half the price. I don't think this will be any news for you but I, of course, watched the two seasons by the end of the weekend and I started on Thursday and fit a festival into the week too. Ha. I have to reestablish and stress the fact that it's still the best TV show ever, with quotes like "Nate. The whole world is a cemetery." and
-Come on, at least you're alive! What's a little pain to you?
-Life can't be this simple.
-Why not?
Meh. Last two weeks of school. Do. Not. Want. I have to remember not to use up my 2 possible missed classes next semester because I will need them in the last two weeks. I still have to write like 2-4 papers and have to get hold of the movie "Rejtély" by Haneke. I've seen it a few months ago but that's no foundation to build a paper on. I took a few photos at PEN and I'm going to share them with you along the photos of my lovely presents. I also changed my super-emo artsy profile picture to one taken on the last dawn of PEN, it captures my new haircut just right! This is probably my last post but there was so much I was going to write about and didn't. It makes me sad.
Okay. Not THAT sad apparently because last Tuesday it was announced that
*insert insufferable flailing*
Cheers, You Guys!
Six Feet Under
The Žagar Phenomena
Sexiest Conga Player/Rapper Alive
(Varga Livius)
I actually snapped this photo right at the moment when a professional photographer flashed. Life is so random.
P.s.: I think Doctors House and Cuddy are going to have sex tonight on an all new episode of House. This could be the best birthday present ever, you guys. :D:D:D:D
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I Owe You An
A few moths ago we had a discussion in class about people not having lives. I wanted to explain that since then. So the main idea is that not having a life is not necessarily bad in a sense. When I say I don't have a life, it means that I'm so passionate about something that it takes up all my free time and most of my non-free time too. So it doesn't mean anything emo-related depressive teenage angst, just that for example I love House so I could watch it all day long abandoning the rest of the world because it gives me joy. I don't see what's wrong with that.
I had to realise two things today: spring break is over and I won't see Nine Inch Nails probably for years or ever again live. Both of them gives me grief. Fortunately this semester I'm organised enough to have my exam period kind of sort of planned out in advance and I'm quite happy with it if I may say so. I hope there's no glitch in my plan.
I also heard that Amazon is boycotting gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender literature and they are trying to make it look like it's a system breakdown. Pathetic. Basically they erased the sales ranks of these books, thus not including them in their top lists and decreasing their sales big time. If you'd like to sign a petition against Amazon and would like some further reading in the topic, go here.
I basically did nothing in spring break BUT I watched the third season of Dexter and I have to say, you guys, this is THE BEST available TV show right now IN THE WORLD. Yes, it's better than House. If House wouldn't be broadcast on a national TV channel, that would be the best but this way it's Dexter. Basically the whole mentality of a national TV show is so different from that of a more daring, independent TV channel's programme, like Dexter, because it is based on the exploitation of the audience. The producers of House want to chain you to your TV set, no matter what but the producers of Dexter want to make something lasting and valuable and that difference can be felt and makes the latter more enjoyable. But House is still the best of the mass productions.
Speaking of House, it's 1:22am and at 2am the live broadcast starts from New York so I have to tune in soon. It'll be fun to get up at 8.
I just remembered that I actually went to the World Press thing in Pécs and I really liked it but it's very cold in the Cella Septichora Center and the photos are pretty depressing to add to the chilly mood. So don't take your girlfriend if you don't want a sobfest.
I'm listening to my LastFm radio channel and my favourite song by NOHA just came on! I'm going to see them live this summer! I'm going to Fishing On Orfű, Balaton Sound (Moby), Hegyalja (NOHA+Basement Jaxx) and Sziget festivals and though my heart breaks every time at the thought of not seeing NIN live this summer, it's still gonna be awesome.
I made a decision of starting to collect my favourite TV shows on DVD so I took the first steps and asked for the first season of Six Feet Under for my birthday which is pretty near now and I won't be able to concentrate on anything else until the 17th of May! I really love that show! After collecting all of Six Feet Under, I'll move on to House and then Dexter. But that is years away. Maybe I won't even be alive by then. :D Nah, I will be.
A few moths ago we had a discussion in class about people not having lives. I wanted to explain that since then. So the main idea is that not having a life is not necessarily bad in a sense. When I say I don't have a life, it means that I'm so passionate about something that it takes up all my free time and most of my non-free time too. So it doesn't mean anything emo-related depressive teenage angst, just that for example I love House so I could watch it all day long abandoning the rest of the world because it gives me joy. I don't see what's wrong with that.
I had to realise two things today: spring break is over and I won't see Nine Inch Nails probably for years or ever again live. Both of them gives me grief. Fortunately this semester I'm organised enough to have my exam period kind of sort of planned out in advance and I'm quite happy with it if I may say so. I hope there's no glitch in my plan.
I also heard that Amazon is boycotting gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender literature and they are trying to make it look like it's a system breakdown. Pathetic. Basically they erased the sales ranks of these books, thus not including them in their top lists and decreasing their sales big time. If you'd like to sign a petition against Amazon and would like some further reading in the topic, go here.
I basically did nothing in spring break BUT I watched the third season of Dexter and I have to say, you guys, this is THE BEST available TV show right now IN THE WORLD. Yes, it's better than House. If House wouldn't be broadcast on a national TV channel, that would be the best but this way it's Dexter. Basically the whole mentality of a national TV show is so different from that of a more daring, independent TV channel's programme, like Dexter, because it is based on the exploitation of the audience. The producers of House want to chain you to your TV set, no matter what but the producers of Dexter want to make something lasting and valuable and that difference can be felt and makes the latter more enjoyable. But House is still the best of the mass productions.
Speaking of House, it's 1:22am and at 2am the live broadcast starts from New York so I have to tune in soon. It'll be fun to get up at 8.
I just remembered that I actually went to the World Press thing in Pécs and I really liked it but it's very cold in the Cella Septichora Center and the photos are pretty depressing to add to the chilly mood. So don't take your girlfriend if you don't want a sobfest.
I'm listening to my LastFm radio channel and my favourite song by NOHA just came on! I'm going to see them live this summer! I'm going to Fishing On Orfű, Balaton Sound (Moby), Hegyalja (NOHA+Basement Jaxx) and Sziget festivals and though my heart breaks every time at the thought of not seeing NIN live this summer, it's still gonna be awesome.
I made a decision of starting to collect my favourite TV shows on DVD so I took the first steps and asked for the first season of Six Feet Under for my birthday which is pretty near now and I won't be able to concentrate on anything else until the 17th of May! I really love that show! After collecting all of Six Feet Under, I'll move on to House and then Dexter. But that is years away. Maybe I won't even be alive by then. :D Nah, I will be.
Monday, March 16, 2009
What ho!
-Ah, I really should blog, shouldn't I, Jeeves?
-Indeed, sir.
-Indeed, sir.
What ho, people! There are so many things I'd just love to blog about, so many funny things that come to my mind on the bus, street etc. but when I get home after a long day of sitting in Szenes and downloading movies and TV shows, I can't be bothered to take a shower let alone write a blog. No actually I forget about them. :( I know I was thinking up something on the bus today but I don't know what it was.
Things that occupy my life at the moment:
I HATE papers. I just hate them. I mean the papers you have to write for classes. Why isn't it enough to read the relevant literature? I mean summarising a massive 20 pages long text about psychoanalytic film theories? BLEH. It is such a drag that I can't put it into words. Also even if you can somehow make a passable piece of work of it, you screw up the format. Like it's not Times New Roman, it's Verdana. Okay, it's Times New Roman but not size 12. Okay it's size 12 but you didn't use the double spaces between lines!!! Pffffffffffffffffffffff............................ Also, being me, I always postpone doing it until the last night before the paper is due, so if I have to write one it's guaranteed I'm missing a night's sleep. So bear that in mind teachers who plan to make me write papers. You make me miss out on sleep!
Anyways I finished my novel last Friday. It was one of the most ecstatic experiences of my life! My future husband is such a romantic! The funniest thing is that one of my best friends just got back from England with her own copy and was reading it while I was reading it and we finished it on the same day! We are so on the same wavelength. By the way she's in Budapest so she couldn't know where I was in the book. So this novel is about a very cool guy who is never without a cigarette all through the book, in fact it's a favourite pastime of his to just smoke for hours - an instant role model, and also who I can't not identify with my future husband. It's about a government conspiracy theory too, of which at first I thought it sucked big time because I was never interested in stuff like that before but there you go. It. Is. Amazing. (Mind you, everything is amazing that is done by my future husband but that's not important now.)
I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray now. It's a pretty harsh change after The Gun Seller. I couldn't get past the first chapter yet. I hope I get into it soon because after that it's easy and fun to pass time with a book but until my heart's not in it, I just feel dragged down by it. I actually needed a year and a RWS course to make myself read The Gun Seller and enjoy it, too.
Things that occupy my life at the moment:
I HATE papers. I just hate them. I mean the papers you have to write for classes. Why isn't it enough to read the relevant literature? I mean summarising a massive 20 pages long text about psychoanalytic film theories? BLEH. It is such a drag that I can't put it into words. Also even if you can somehow make a passable piece of work of it, you screw up the format. Like it's not Times New Roman, it's Verdana. Okay, it's Times New Roman but not size 12. Okay it's size 12 but you didn't use the double spaces between lines!!! Pffffffffffffffffffffff............................ Also, being me, I always postpone doing it until the last night before the paper is due, so if I have to write one it's guaranteed I'm missing a night's sleep. So bear that in mind teachers who plan to make me write papers. You make me miss out on sleep!
Anyways I finished my novel last Friday. It was one of the most ecstatic experiences of my life! My future husband is such a romantic! The funniest thing is that one of my best friends just got back from England with her own copy and was reading it while I was reading it and we finished it on the same day! We are so on the same wavelength. By the way she's in Budapest so she couldn't know where I was in the book. So this novel is about a very cool guy who is never without a cigarette all through the book, in fact it's a favourite pastime of his to just smoke for hours - an instant role model, and also who I can't not identify with my future husband. It's about a government conspiracy theory too, of which at first I thought it sucked big time because I was never interested in stuff like that before but there you go. It. Is. Amazing. (Mind you, everything is amazing that is done by my future husband but that's not important now.)
I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray now. It's a pretty harsh change after The Gun Seller. I couldn't get past the first chapter yet. I hope I get into it soon because after that it's easy and fun to pass time with a book but until my heart's not in it, I just feel dragged down by it. I actually needed a year and a RWS course to make myself read The Gun Seller and enjoy it, too.
Don't you just love ragtime? Well I do! I was listening to this silly little song today on the bus while the smelly guy got comfortable beside me (Here, I'm writing about the bus. I said I don't want to write about the bus but I thought I'd give it a chance. There you go. Smelly guy. That's what you get.) and despite the direness of the situation I couldn't wipe the head splitting grin off my face. Now that's what good music does to you.

"Back at Nagasaki where the fellows chew tobaccy and the women wacky wacky woo!"
Don't mind the performer. It's just my future husband. If you see me on the street or bus with a grin I'm unable to conceal, I'm listening to these or 10 other potential tracks. I'm also known to tap and sing along. I try not to sing on the bus but I just have to mouth the words!
I have to get up at 8. Nyah. Linguistics really is something I don't want to get up for at 8. There's a funny side to it, though. The teacher is a real linguist. When I say that, I mean that he applies to Stephen Fry's spot on interpretation of a linguist. I really am generous today. I'm showering you with entertainment goods. Here's something about Tricky Linguistics:
I hate to but may I, may I?
I'd also like to point out that in my opinion this video summarizes anything you ever need to know about linguistics in general. No matter how many linguistics courses you'll take, in the end the only thing you'll remember is that the possibilities that language offers are endless and there's no such thing as a 'longest sentence'. The rest is just being able to compare language to absurd things - in other words being able to think about it in abstract terms. There Timothy, you're a linguist now. Tell me if I'm wrong. Thought so.
If I had a bit more time maybe I'd do a paragraph about cooking with Gordon Ramsay. Another role model. Complaints were sent to the BBC because he said THE F WORD more than 300 times under 120 minutes in a TV special. What a man. Ah well, maybe next time!
Tomorrow it's downloading time of the 18th episode of season 5 of House. It's going to be about a woman who got her death predicted by a cat who only sleeps beside people who are going to die! I just lurve Tuesdays! ;)
Monday, March 2, 2009
...is such a pain in the bum when one should be preparing for classes held within 24 hours, that also have the ability of destroying brain cells. The thing is, my mind is so fuzzy and hazy at the moment that I'm unable to do any REAL work and my originally short attention span only has eyes for the redecorating task.
But how could I be anything but 100% satisfied when the outcome is so beautiful?! Seriously... ahh! I'm sitting here, looking at my customized header and feel that every battle lost and won against html coding and pixel measures was worth the effort.
I don't mean to be an insufferable know-it-all but in case you're wondering who these peculiar (nickname for downright creepy) gentlemen are: it's a promo shot for a long lost television adaptation of P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves or Jeeves and Wooster stories, starring Stephen Fry as Jeeves, the valet and my future husband (ha ha), Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster. Currently I'm in the process of obtaining the full series (23 episodes) and I've already seen a beautiful box set on Vatera for 10000 forints but I wouldn't like to have to do anything with Hungarian bidding sites just yet.
Anyways I have a paper due at midnight so maybe it's time for me to look into the topic. How can days pass so quickly? It's horrible! I came home at 6, grabbed some "lunch", did the redecorating and it's 10 already and I have to get up at 8. Bleh.
Maybe I'll just stare at my header for a few more... hours. :D
But how could I be anything but 100% satisfied when the outcome is so beautiful?! Seriously... ahh! I'm sitting here, looking at my customized header and feel that every battle lost and won against html coding and pixel measures was worth the effort.
I don't mean to be an insufferable know-it-all but in case you're wondering who these peculiar (nickname for downright creepy) gentlemen are: it's a promo shot for a long lost television adaptation of P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves or Jeeves and Wooster stories, starring Stephen Fry as Jeeves, the valet and my future husband (ha ha), Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster. Currently I'm in the process of obtaining the full series (23 episodes) and I've already seen a beautiful box set on Vatera for 10000 forints but I wouldn't like to have to do anything with Hungarian bidding sites just yet.
Anyways I have a paper due at midnight so maybe it's time for me to look into the topic. How can days pass so quickly? It's horrible! I came home at 6, grabbed some "lunch", did the redecorating and it's 10 already and I have to get up at 8. Bleh.
Maybe I'll just stare at my header for a few more... hours. :D
Saturday, February 21, 2009
First post : Oscars
Welcome to the first post of the year!
Since there's no better time than the last weekend before the big occasion, I decided to restart the blog with a post about the categories of the Academy Awards I find relevant. That's a bit ambivalent in itself because I don't really find the Oscars all that prestigious or anything and most of the time I don't agree with the choices of the Academy but it's still a nice thing if you have someone to cheer for and the results always make a good conversation topic. Though the point of the awards is that it only evaluates the artists' work by the single movie nominated, I can't do that since I haven't seen most of them, I can only judge by sympathy and filmography. So let's see the nominations.
Actor In A Leading Role
Since there's no better time than the last weekend before the big occasion, I decided to restart the blog with a post about the categories of the Academy Awards I find relevant. That's a bit ambivalent in itself because I don't really find the Oscars all that prestigious or anything and most of the time I don't agree with the choices of the Academy but it's still a nice thing if you have someone to cheer for and the results always make a good conversation topic. Though the point of the awards is that it only evaluates the artists' work by the single movie nominated, I can't do that since I haven't seen most of them, I can only judge by sympathy and filmography. So let's see the nominations.
Actor In A Leading Role
- Richard Jenkins in "The Visitor"
- Frank Langella in "Frost/Nixon"
- Sean Penn in "Milk"
- Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
- Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler"
Honestly I have no preference in this category. The one thing I know: I really don't want Brad Pitt to win. Even if I don't find the Oscars prestigious, other people may and I don't think he's got anything to do with prestige, haha. I have no idea who the Academy will choose. I heard Mickey Rourke was very good in The Wrestler. So...
Academy: Mickey Rourke
Me: Mickey Rourke
Actor In A Supporting Role
Academy: Mickey Rourke
Me: Mickey Rourke
Actor In A Supporting Role
- Josh Brolin in "Milk"
- Robert Downey Jr. in "Tropic Thunder"
- Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Doubt"
- Heath Ledger in "The Dark Knight"
- Michael Shannon in "Revolutionary Road"
The media was high on Heath Ledger getting nominated everywhere but if someone saw The Dark Knight, well... I loved Heath, followed his career from the beginning and respected him very deeply, his passing was a horrible loss to me personally and to the world of cinema but I don't think this part of his career was so outstanding as others and I wouldn't like it if he just got awards because it was the last job he was able to finish. Obviously I want Bob Downey to win, hands down. Not only because I adore him - I adore Heath Ledger too - but because he was absolutely outstanding in Tropic Thunder. I'm surprised that the Academy actually considered that movie because it's so full of cheap - but nevertheless entertaining - humor. I thought they'd find it too much beneath their "standards". But that just shows how amazing Rob's acting was (or how few the options were in this category, hehe). I also wouldn't mind if Phil Seymour won.
Academy: Heath Ledger
Me: Robert Downey Jr.
Actress In A Leading Role
Academy: Heath Ledger
Me: Robert Downey Jr.
Actress In A Leading Role
- Anne Hathaway in "Rachel Getting Married"
- Angelina Jolie in "Changeling"
- Melissa Leo in "Frozen River"
- Meryl Streep in "Doubt"
- Kate Winslet in "The Reader"
I don't know what the Academy thought nominating Anne Hathaway. That is around as bad as if they nominated Jennifer Love Hewitt for I Know What You Did Last Summer or whatever. I sure hope they won't stoop so low as to give her an award too. Wait, no. That's not even an option. Kate Winslet admitted that she perfected her "not-winning" face since she had so many occasions to practice in the past but I think she's the deal this year. She already swiped in all the awards at the Golden Globes. I love her and I also wouldn't mind if Angelina Jolie or Meryl Streep got a little statue. Although I heard Changeling is bad, I doubt it is.
Academy: Kate Winslet
Me: Angelina Jolie
Actress In A Supporting Role
Academy: Kate Winslet
Me: Angelina Jolie
Actress In A Supporting Role
- Amy Adams in "Doubt"
- Penélope Cruz in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"
- Viola Davis in "Doubt"
- Taraji P. Henson in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
- Marisa Tomei in "The Wrestler"
Sadly I don't really have anything to say concerning this category. I really hate Penélope Cruz and I really like Marisa Tomei so I'm going to go with the opposites.
Academy: Penélope Cruz
Me: Marisa Tomei
Academy: Penélope Cruz
Me: Marisa Tomei
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" David Fincher "Frost/Nixon" Ron Howard "Milk" Gus Van Sant "The Reader" Stephen Daldry "Slumdog Millionaire" Danny Boyle
Hmm. I heard The Curious Case... is very monumental visually and that Slumdog Millionaire is generally an amazing piece so I'd say one of them is likely to win. But I'm really in the dark here.
Academy: David Fincher
Me: David Fincher
Original Score
The nominees are really not important, since I want Danny Elfman to win, bwhahahaha. He's one of my favourite composers and an award given to him is always deserved.
Best Motion Picture
Academy: David Fincher
Me: David Fincher
Original Score
The nominees are really not important, since I want Danny Elfman to win, bwhahahaha. He's one of my favourite composers and an award given to him is always deserved.
Best Motion Picture
- "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall and Ceán Chaffin, Producers
"Frost/Nixon" Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and Eric Fellner, Producers "Milk" Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen, Producers - "The Reader" Nominees to be determined
- "Slumdog Millionaire" Christian Colson, Producer
Again I have no preference. I haven't seen any of the films and I only heard of three. I really have no idea who could win either. So maybe some of you who read this could leave a comment about your tips!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Social Butterfly
Wow. Sometimes I feel like I don't go out at all. But last week... Every Wednesday, I meet up with my friends in the evening because I have class until 8 but last week I decided not to go, saying I was tired. I ended up going out with my teacher and group mates for a few drinks which became all too many. So in the end I was able to take the first bus to Komló...
My sister's birthday was on Friday. We went to Trafik. I really like that place. But it's very expensive. Anyways my sister was paying so all good. =D After a few hours I joined my friends in Kino where a very interesting concert took place: a Scandinavian band was playing similar music to Joy Division. Later there was a DJ, who played a lot of Nine Inch Nails related music, aw. NIN is one of my most beloved bands. My dad gave us a lift to Komló in the middle of the night which he practically never does but... on Saturday...
(very fake picture of my sister and me)
On Saturday I had to get up at 7am. I went to bed at 5!!! I was travelling to Budapest to spend a day with my friends there and to see THE BEST YOUNG BAND OF PÉCS EVER playing in Budapest for the first time ever. They are called Szigorigor and they are very good friends of mine. They did an amazing show, I was flabbergasted. I've never seen them sound and play so well and their new songs just totally blew me off my feet. They are planning to record an album in January. I can't wait. After 2 hours of sleep I partied again until 5. I don't know what's gotten into me. =D I'm not such a party animal...
(the boys are rockin' hard)
I was practically useless on Sunday and today but at least I did some homework... Blah. Here's a beautiful picture of the place where I live. A real rarity.
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