Monday, March 2, 2009

Redecorating... such a pain in the bum when one should be preparing for classes held within 24 hours, that also have the ability of destroying brain cells. The thing is, my mind is so fuzzy and hazy at the moment that I'm unable to do any REAL work and my originally short attention span only has eyes for the redecorating task.

But how could I be anything but 100% satisfied when the outcome is so beautiful?! Seriously... ahh! I'm sitting here, looking at my customized header and feel that every battle lost and won against html coding and pixel measures was worth the effort.

I don't mean to be an insufferable know-it-all but in case you're wondering who these peculiar (nickname for downright creepy) gentlemen are: it's a promo shot for a long lost television adaptation of P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves or Jeeves and Wooster stories, starring Stephen Fry as Jeeves, the valet and my future husband (ha ha), Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster. Currently I'm in the process of obtaining the full series (23 episodes) and I've already seen a beautiful box set on Vatera for 10000 forints but I wouldn't like to have to do anything with Hungarian bidding sites just yet.

Anyways I have a paper due at midnight so maybe it's time for me to look into the topic. How can days pass so quickly? It's horrible! I came home at 6, grabbed some "lunch", did the redecorating and it's 10 already and I have to get up at 8. Bleh.

Maybe I'll just stare at my header for a few more... hours. :D


Unknown said...

Hm... let me think. That paper due at midnight wasn't supposed to be about P. G. Wodehouse or any of his characters, was it? :) Did you get your submission in in time? Smashing new look!

szoszo said...

I didn't write it... don't really care for Köznapi Erkölcsi Problémák, to be honest... especially not about how ethical it is to fund esoterical religions from taxes. i don't even pay taxes.

Unknown said...

Yes, you do: your ÁFA (VAT).

szoszo said...

I spend my parents' money... that's an interesting technical question wether I pay taxes or not.

Mademoiselle Marie said...

ooh i just LOVE your customized header!
It's awesome, would you like to do one for me?
haha. kidding!

anyway, how are you?
omg we didn't talk for sooo long!